Swarfix® Well Cleaning Tool (WCT) 3rd Pilot Well November 2021

The 2nd Pilot Well / 1st multi-use well executed in June 2021 and the 3rd Pilot Well / 2nd multi-use well executed November 2021.  

The 3rd Pilot Well was a casing exit operation (13 3/8” casing 72# N-80) from a platform on the NCS. Operational planning and preparation were performed together with Equinor and their contractors for the milling services.
The tool was positioned 340m above bottom of the BHA at a deviation of 27 deg, 1330m MD and OBM 1.56 s.g. During a total of approximately 12h milling time a total collection of 839kg swarf/mud was collected distributed over 750 kg inside the Swarf Container, 60kg on the Magnet Sleeve and 29 kg on the string magnet positioned above the Swarfix® WCT. 
Summary from the operation:                                                                                                 
·       0 incidents
·       0 NPT
·       0 swarf through BOP
·       0 swarf to surface
·       Improved HSE by no swarf handling offshore
·       All swarf in/on Swarfix WCT secured and backloaded
2nd multi-use well / 3rd Pilot Well approved by Equinor.
Successful Pilot Well operation
Picture below presenting the Swarfix® WCT main components. Swarf captured by the Magnet Sleeve will continuously be feed by the Conveyor Screw into the Swarf Container for storage during the entire operation. Swarf Container is sealed and secured before backloading for waste handling onshore.
Swarfix® WCT